Friday, March 19, 2010

"Students Petition for Scrapbooking Club"

Made up a story for the Underground titled "Students Petition for Scrapbooking Club"

"A picture is worth a thousand words, so a whole book of them must be, like, alot of words" Jamie Durich, Sophmore explains, "it's a great stress reliever. I mean, there's nothing like cutting decorative paper that soothes the soul."

Jamie and several other students want to be able to turn their hobby into a club so that other students can learn the tricks of the trade and begin scrapbooking the events of their lives. But getting administration to let them have a club has been difficult.

When Dr. Stevens, head of student activities, was questioned as to why, he responded that "no teachers are willing to sponsor the club. Even the teachers have lives, unlike these kids. No one is willing to step up to the plate, and we don't know how to break it to them that they really need to get lives, and maybe get out once in a while."

"I know eventually we'll get our club" stated Alex Davis, senior, "and until then, well just work on our scrapbooks, every Friday night, if we have to. There's nothing else I'd rather be doing."

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

My Cat Is Better Than Yours by Harris Lee

My Cat Is Better Than Yours by Harris Lee

You think your Mittens is cuter than my Mr. Fluffy? Can Mittens jump 5 feet in the air and catch a fly? He ain’t that great. MY Mr. Fluffy can lick the back of his neck. Can YOUR cat lick the back of his neck? I bet he can’t open doors either. My Mr. Fluffy can’t, but he’s certainly got the head for it. I can tell your cat is far less superior; he plays with his food before he eats it. My cat, all he has to do is stare at his prey and it drops dead. He’s the hottest thing since pants, and let me tell you, pants are pretty rad. Even his litter box smells like a field of daisies. I would be embarrassed if I would own such a disgraceful cat. You and Mittens should just go back to the pound where you belong, you stinking feline.

Friday, February 26, 2010

Backstage: a day in the life of an average smart teen

Backstage: a day in the life of an average smart teen

Behind the walls of the GBW O.I.N.K (overly intelligent nerd kenter) one

should find Senior Cal Culator tutoring teachers on A.P Brain Studies. Cal

is GBW’s brightest star that intends to bring GBW a new Nobel Peace Prize

for his discoveries on atoms in the dark matter of Pluto’s hidden nine


On a normal day Cal spends his time in his new lab that GBW bought for him

after he received his six other Nobel Peace Prize. Though people may think

he has thousands of friends all over the world. He actually is never seen

with friends or anyone for that matter. Grant, Cal’s best friend said “We go

way back I’ve known him since Pre-school, and I’m seeing him tomorrow for

the first time since then”. Cal’s Brain Studies teacher Professor Ghastler

said “He’s a great kid, always ready to learn and I’m thrilled to be put

down by Cal’s answer to my poor explanation, but otherwise he’s a great kid,

great kid…….” Professor Ghastler went on murmuring to himself walking into

the janitor’s closet while stroking his left arm slickly. At the end of the

day Cal is usually in chess club, debating against Harvard and Oxford, being

interviewed on CNN, and performing open heart surgery at the same time

usually. His after school life is unknown though. All that is known is that

he spends his time in his underground lab.

This is basically what goes on in the life of Cal Culator on a normal week

of High School. He has a busy, compact, but normal life for an average

teenager that almost 87.6159% of all High School teens. Everyone at GBW

looks forward to watching Cal achieve so much more.

Stalker Pic

Here's a pic fo the stalker story. What do you guys think?



At Glenbrook West High school, there have been reports of a student that is involved in drama club saying asides out loud to other people. An aside is when a character in a play or story talks to the audience and other characters cannot hear what he or she is saying. Jeremy Rodgers, sophomore at GBW, does not realize that other people can hear him. Tracey McArthur, junior at GBW, told the principal about one of these asides that Jeremy said.

“He was asking me out to dinner, I had said yes because we had been going out, but then he started talking to himself like I couldn’t hear him. Jeremy had said things I wish he had not said. He kept talking about how he was going to take me home after dinner and do things that I wasn’t sure I was ready for. I asked him if he really meant those things, and he seemed startled that I could hear what he was saying. He said he was having an aside and that I could not hear him.”

Mrs. Johnson, the advance algebra teacher for Jeremy, had reported an aside also. She was worried that there was something wrong with Jeremy. She said that he stood up and looked out the window and started talking to himself on how stupid his teacher was. He had than seen an imaginary pencil in front of him. He ran around the room grabbing at the pencil saying “Is this a pencil that I see before me?”

These asides have also been heard outside of school. Mister and Misses Rodgers have seen Jeremy talking to himself. “We had asked him where he was going later that night; he said he was going to the movies. He then looked off into space and had said that he was really going to Tracey McArthur’s house. We were worried that he did not know that we could hear him. We than called for a professional to take care of him for a little while,” said Mrs. Johnson. Today, Jeremy Rodgers has been taken to George Washington Facility of Correctional Services.


Hey John,

I’m excited for Saturday night. Wanna know why? Yeah, turnabout is the same night, but you are invited to a much more exclusive dance. What is this dance called? Stalk-About. That’s right, sweetheart, you’re invited. In fact, you’ve been invited for the last 365 days. You should be excited; Turnabout only comes once a year. But baby, Stalk-About is EVERY night. I hired a DJ, he’s gonna play all the hottest hits in my basement. Wear your best suit. You know, the light grey one with the beautiful blue tie you have. I saw you put it on once when you were getting ready for a wedding. You looked as handsome as a young Leo Di CaprioJ. Oh, by the way, you need to clean your bedroom window; it’s very hard to see through. Refreshments are gonna be served, and don’t mind the smell of chloroform. I can’t wait to dance the night away, every day. I think we are the cutest looking couple to ever exist. Even cuter than Jennifer Aniston and John Mayer.

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Anne Frank Tweets

Here is the Anne Frank Twitter info:

password: hitler

Let's get on there and add some Tweets.